We all are born to this world with a purpose. Some people can choose their lives and some peoples’ lives are pre-decided and controlled by economic, political, cultural, and social systems. I believe in change, I believe people have the power to change those systems for the betterment of everyone. I am such a change maker.
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Its not the struggle with the nature , It about co-existence with the nature
#Rural Women
According to FAO estimates women produce more than 50% of the food worldwide though her contribution to food security is not well concerned because of insufficient gender-disaggregated data. The multiple roles of women in asserting household-level food security are emphatic since she contributes to planting, weeding, application of pesticides and fertilizers, harvesting, livestock raising, fishing, cooking and food processing, foresting, and marketing. Though rural women representing agricultural workers, peasants, indigenous women, migrants, and laborers silently contribute to all these works struggling with all the issues behind as landlessness, gender discrimination in wages, access to resources and social services, and poverty.